The original function in package escalation recognizes that individual trial participants arrive at distinct times. Building upon this acknowledgment of individuality, this override adds an extra line of code to draw as well a latent toxicity tolerance u_i for each individual participant.

cohorts_of_n(n = 3, mean_time_delta = 1)



integer, sample arrival times for this many patients.


the average gap between patient arrival times. I.e. the reciprocal of the rate parameter in an Exponential distribution.


data.frame with columns u_i and time_deltacontaining respectively the uniformly-distributed latent toxicity tolerance and arrival-time increment for each trial participant.

See also

phase1_sim(), which this package also overrides with similarly minute changes in order to incorporate u_i.


#>         u_i time_delta
#> 1 0.1821129        1.5
#> 2 0.4293937        4.6
#> 3 0.8334304        0.2
cohorts_of_n(n = 10, mean_time_delta = 5)
#>           u_i time_delta
#> 1  0.60067089       12.5
#> 2  0.70242734        0.5
#> 3  0.28787011        1.9
#> 4  0.01161287        2.3
#> 5  0.14686510        4.4
#> 6  0.33835937        5.4
#> 7  0.03744135        0.3
#> 8  0.92252313       15.2
#> 9  0.75969237        1.3
#> 10 0.08192602        4.9