Implemented currently only for the (most?) common variant of the 3+3 design, which requires that at least 6 patients be treated at a dose before it may be declared as ‘the’ MTD.
An object of type
with allow_deescalation = TRUE
In any given realization of a 3+3 design, each of the \(D\) prespecified doses will enroll 0, 1 or 2 cohorts, each with 3 patients. Each cohort will result in a tally of 0--3 dose-limiting toxicities (DLTs), and these may be recorded in a \(2 \times D\) matrix. Moreover, the 3+3 dose-escalation rules allow for only one path through any such matrix. For example, the matrix
c D1 D2 D3 D4
1 0 1 2 NA
2 NA 0 NA NA
represents the path in a 4-dose 3+3 trial, where the following events occur:
Initial cohort at \(d=1\) results 0/3
Escalation to \(d=2\) results 1/3
Additional cohort at \(d=2\) results 0/3 for net 1/6 at this dose
Escalation to \(d=3\) results 2/3; MTD declared as \(d=1\).
(Indeed, as you may verify at the R prompt, the above matrix is the 262nd of 442
such paths enumerated comprehensively in the \(2 \times 4 \times 442\)
array precautionary:::T[[4]]
As detailed in Norris 2020c (below), these matrices may be used to construct simple
matrix computations that altogether eliminate the need for discrete-event simulation
of the 3+3 design. For each \(D = 2,...,8\), the precautionary
package has
pretabulated a \(J \times 2D\) matrix precautionary:::U[[D]]
\(J\)-vector precautionary:::b[[D]]
such that the \(J\)-vector \(\pi\)
of path probabilities is given by:
log(\pi) = b + U [log(p), log(q)]',
where \(p\) is the \(D\)-vector of DLT probabilities at the prespecified
doses, and \(q \equiv 1-p\) is its complement. See Eq. (4) of
Norris (2020c).
For details on the enumeration itself, please see the Prolog code in directory
of the installed package.
Norris DC. What Were They Thinking? Pharmacologic priors implicit in a choice of 3+3 dose-escalation design. arXiv:2012.05301 [stat.ME]. December 2020. https://arxiv.org/abs/2012.05301
# Run an exact version of the simulation from FDA-proactive vignette
design <- get_three_plus_three(
num_doses = 6
, allow_deescalate = TRUE)
old <- options(
dose_levels = c(2, 6, 20, 60, 180, 400)
, ordinalizer = function(MTDi, r0 = 1.5)
MTDi * r0 ^ c(Gr1=-2, Gr2=-1, Gr3=0, Gr4=1, Gr5=2)
mtdi_gen <- hyper_mtdi_lognormal(CV = 0.5
,median_mtd = 180
,median_sdlog = 0.6
exact(design) %>% simulate_trials(
num_sims = 1000
, true_prob_tox = mtdi_gen) -> EXACT
#> None Gr1 Gr2 Gr3 Gr4
#> Expected participants 12.9746375 1.96895576 1.81297882 1.3603539 0.8611740
#> MCSE 0.0566762 0.02322388 0.02283031 0.0117814 0.0111036
#> Gr5 Total
#> Expected participants 0.61216947 19.5902694
#> MCSE 0.01210457 0.0527376
if (interactive()) { # runs too long for CRAN servers
# Compare with discrete-event-simulation trials
design %>% simulate_trials(
num_sims = 1000
, true_prob_tox = mtdi_gen) -> DISCRETE
# Note the larger MCSEs in this latter simulation, reflecting combined noise
# from hyperprior sampling and the nested discrete-event trial simulations.
# The MCSE of the former simulation is purely from the hyperprior sampling,
# since the nested trial simulation is carried out by an exact computation.